About Me

Hello! I am Tyler Warihay and am currently a sophomore at High Point University and very excited about the future ahead of me. I was raised and lived my whole life in West Chester, PA before going to High Point. I chose to go so far away because of the beautiful campus High Point has and the areas of study High Point has been excelling at, which match what I want to do after college. I also wanted to step out of my comfort zone and go to a place where I did not know anybody. I pretty much had the same group of friends from as early as second grade in elementary school all the way through high school. Don't get me wrong, I have had great times with them and am still close with them but I wanted to go on my own and meet new people and not follow them and all attend the same college, which all of them did except me. I couldn't be happier with this choice as I have met some great people who I would have never met if I followed with my friends back home. This decision has also helped me grow significantly as a person and has prepared me for the future where I likely will be thrown into a new job not knowing anybody and have to build all new friendships again.
I am determined to work on electronic media for a website along the lines of editing video for stories or using Photoshop to create appropriate images for news articles. From a young age, I have always been able to work well with computers and figure out how to use new software without a lot of guidance. It grew into a passion and I have always enjoyed working with technology, which has made me the go to person among family and friends when they need help with any piece of electronics. Along the way, I also have become very in current events and I always try to make sure I stay informed about what is going on in the country. Specifically, American politics and how our government operates and keeps our country safe has become a passion of mine as well. I would love to eventually work with a White House correspondent and help put packages together for a broadcast or an article for a news website. 
I am certified by Microsoft as an expert using Microsoft Office 2007 so I am very familiar with how that suite of programs works. I have become familiar and proficient through courses at High Point University on Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign and Apple iMovie. These are popular programs commonly used by media editors today so I believe my early exposure to how they work will be beneficial to me in the future. There are examples from my work with these programs under the brochures, videos and photos pages.
 I enjoy and have become very accustomed with working together with co-workers. I have worked at my local Target store for over 4 years now, which has taught me a lot about how to effectively communicate with people and work together with coworkers to complete tasks. I have formed great relationships there as well, which has made the job fun and I strongly believe that a fun job is critical to creating a good work atmosphere. Specifically, I have worked in the electronics department for the majority of those 4 years and I am now one of the senior members of that department. Being a senior member, I have learned how to delegate tasks to other team members so the department is being run efficiently. My work experience there has provided me with great skills that I believe will prove to be valuable in future jobs.  
Hopefully this has given you a good crash course on whom I am and what I want to do after my college years. I am passionate and hopeful about my future and cannot wait to start a career doing something I love. I believe a job is as fun as you make it so I am determined to spend the rest of my life doing something I love so I don’t have to call it a job in a negative sense but something that I’m excited to go back to doing each and every day. If you have any questions or want to talk to me, click on the contact information tab at the top and you will find all the relevant information you need. Don’t forget to look through my past work and thanks for stopping by!