
            The images are below were edited together by me using Adobe Photoshop. Each is designed to send their own message and appeal to their respective target audience. All of these images helped me to become better at pulling parts of other images out and combining them into something new that doesn’t seem out of place and gets the intended message across. Descriptions of each are below and you can click on any of the images to see a larger view of them.
             This is an advertisement for Disney and their popular cruise program. The purpose is to get the idea of going on a cruise in the viewers mind and to visit the website listed at the bottom for more information. I designed it for an older couple with a family as the primary audience and give them an idea for a great vacation to go on with their family. Kids love Disney and all the characters associated with that name and the cruise is a popular destination to experience those characters outside of going to the theme park. I made sure the text has good contrast with the background so it stands out and is easy to read. This along with the color of Mickey’s costume is the reason I chose the red coloring for the tag line. It is also clear enough and easy to read for kids to see it and start begging their parents to go. Mickey is instantly recognizable and is a commonly known Disney character and along with the title, it is easy to see what the advertisement is trying to sell. 
            This image is another advertisement and this time it is for the Salvation Army. Its target audience is an older demographic in their late 20s or older who have a good job with expendable income. The image was edited to have a dark and sad tone since it is a sad subject matter and it makes the viewer feel sympathy for the kid in the picture. The statistic to the left also helps achieve that tone since it makes the reader hopefully realize how nice their childhood was and want a child to be able to have one similar to their own, which hopefully will convince them to donate money. The tag line “Home Sweet Home” along with the kid helps to grab the attention of the viewer since they stick out from the dark background. I included the website because that is where a viewer can go to learn more and register to donate money that will benefit children in need. 
            This picture is a public service announcement about the dangers of driving and consequences you can face if you don’t follow the law. The target audience is anyone who can drive or is about to get their license. Driving can have very serious consequences if you don’t follow the rules of the road and buckling your seat belt is a big part of that. It is a crucial safety feature and police all around the country are doing their best to enforce the law of always wearing a seatbelt. I wanted the police officer to have a serious attitude so that is why I picked that image to help send the message that the police are serious about enforcing the law. It was important to make sure the text is easy to read and I specifically chose the coloring of each. I made “Buckle Up” have a blue glow because it complements the sky behind it well and matched the police officers blue uniform. “It’s the Law” has a red glow because it is dangerous if you don’t buckle up and red is often seen as a more negative color in tone compared to blue.  The officer, the car and the text make it clear what the picture is implying and the goal is for the person to remember to buckle up next time they are in a car.